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From Expensive to Economical: How Virtual Reality is Transforming Training Costs

A study by PwC found that companies using VR/AR training can see a return on investment (ROI) of up to 300%.

· Reduced travel costs: VRT eliminates the need for employees to travel to a physical training location, which can save money on transportation and lodging expenses.

· Reduced equipment costs: VRT allows for the use of simulated equipment, which can be less expensive to purchase and maintain than real-world equipment.

· Increased efficiency: VRT can be designed to maximize the retention of information and skills, which can reduce the amount of time and resources required for training.

· Reduced risk: VRT can provide a safe environment for employees to practice and make mistakes without the risk of injury or damage to equipment.

· A study by Deloitte found that companies using VRT can reduce training costs by up to 50%.

Want to boost learning outcomes, save money, reduce your environmental impact and enhance safety? Virtual reality training in the oil and gas sector is the way to go! A recent study by the American Society for Training and Development found that VR training can enhance learning by 75%, the National Environmental Training Association found that it can reduce carbon emissions by 90% compared to traditional training methods and according to the American Petroleum Institute, “VR training can increase safety by simulating real-life scenarios in a controlled environment”. Upgrade your training now!

We offer training scenarios, both pre-packaged and bespoke to safety experts across the globe. Available through VR, AR, Tablet, Mobile and Desktop devices, we make sure your teams can always access the very best training, not matter where they are in the world. 

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